












发布时间:2010/11/9 9:29:00
Product Characteristic & Standard of Major Technology Parameter
铸宝砂(NFS CERAMSITE = Nice Foundry Sand)是对熔融状态下的高氧化铝质的原料(铝矾土)进行喷雾处理,使之再结晶而得到的高耐热性,低热膨胀,球状人工铸造砂。铸宝砂(NFS)系列铸造陶粒砂产品在性价比上优于铬铁矿砂、锆英砂,为铸造行 业提高铸件质量,降低成本,减少污染开辟了有效途径。是目前世界上较为理想的新型铸造用砂,具有广阔的发展前景。
Nice Foundry Sand (NFS CERAMSITE) is a kind of a new artificial Foundry sand that is ball-shaped, high heat-resistant, low heat dilating rate. NFS has advantage of cost and performance than Chromite sand and zircon sand that provide the effective ways to increase improve the quality of the foundry, cost-down and less damage to the environment. It is the best selection to put the NFS into use in the field foundry and has good vision of development.

Al2O3 ≥75%   Fe2O3 ≤5%   Tio2 ≤5%   SiO2 5%-20%  其它:微量
     3、角形系数:≤1.1 极似球状
Ⅰ. NFS Major chemical element and physical parameter 
1. Main Chemical element: 
Al2O3≥75% , Fe2O3≤5%, Tio2≤5%, SiO2 5%-20%, Else: Tittle.
   2. Shape: Ball Shape
   3. Angle Factor: ≤ 1.1, very close to ball
   4. Bulk Density: 1.95-2.05 (g/cm3)
   5. Refractoriness: ≥1790℃
   6.Thermal expansion : 0.13%(10 minutes at 1000℃)

1. 球状粒形
2. 热膨胀率低
3. 耐破碎性好
4. 耐火性好

Ⅱ. NFS CERAMSITE Features namely advantages as follows
1. Round solid Ball shape: The shape is mostly close to ball with smooth surface and lower specific surface area. And NFS has very good air permeability good liquidity and easy to fill that can make the surface perfect when founded. Further more; NFS can flow very easily and easy to clean. The less felting liquid can be used than other sand when using NFS.

2. Lower thermal expansion rate and thermal conductivity: It is just this characteristic that makes the foundry more precisely, less cracking and high output. Improve foundry quality.

3. Lower cleavage breakage rate: NFS has high density and has very low cleavage breakage rate. Easily reclaimed that makes it more protect environment for the less sand powder occurred.

4. High refractoriness and service temperature: Major element is Al2O3 that has very good refractoriness. The service temperature is beyond 1790℃ that can make it possible to found most of the metal fares.

Ⅲ. NFS Major Particle sizes distribution: 
The distribution specification can be designed according customer’s specific requirement.

Spec 10 14 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 200 270 Pan AFS Range 
1700 1180 850 600 425 300 212 150 106 75 53 Pan
200#   ≤5 10-30 30-50 15-35 ≤5             15-25 
300#     ≤10 25-45 35-55 5-15 ≤5 ≤2         25-29
400# ≤10 25-45 20-40 15-25 ≤7 ≤5 35-39
500#       ≤3 15-25 25-40 25-45 10-20 ≤10 ≤5     45-55
600#         ≤10 10-30 30-50 15-35 0-20 ≤5 ≤2 ≤1 55-65
650#         ≤8 10-25 20-40 20-40 ≤15 ≤7 ≤2  ≤1  60-70
750#           ≤10 5-25 25-45 20-40 ≤15 ≤5 ≤2  75-85
1000#             ≤3 10-30 35-55 15-35 ≤10 ≤5 105-115
1250#             ≤2 0-20 30-50 25-45 0-20 ≤8 125-135
1500#               ≤5 5-25 40-60 25-40 ≤15 160-170
上一条记录: 铸件缺陷修补机
国内统一连续出版物号:61-1133/TG |国内发行代码:52-94 |国际标准出版物号:1001-3814 |国际发行代码:SM8143
主管单位:中国船舶集团有限公司  主办单位:中国船舶集团有限公司第十二研究所;中国造船工程学会
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